Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Drum roll....

I was lonely at work. So I decided to get a beta for my desk. He's a very pretty blue with some shades of deep red. Gorgeous fish. I typically don't name my pets, other than dogs & cats. For some reason, though, I usually name the pets I bring to work. (This is not the first beta I've had here. I had "Blue Boy" - named after the famous painting - for 3 years.)

Anyway, one day, as I was trying to think of a name for him, I said out loud, "What should I name my new beta?" From the cubical next to me I hear my boss say, "Alpha". What a great name! So I made a little sign that says "Alpha Beta", and the greek letters for same, and stuck it above my fishes tank.

See? Watching fish is calming, and can make you smarter. And with a name like Alpha (the beginning), this is just the beginning of the brilliance that will be mine after watching Alpha day in and day out while blogging, er I mean slogging, through the day at work.

1 comment:

Mavis said...

Great name choice. Makes me want to get a Beta!