Wednesday, September 5, 2007

No spider sightings yesterday

Yesterday was the first day I saw NO spiders in my house for quite a few days now. Interestingly, there is not one single bug stuck in any of the sticky traps. Apparently they know better. Or else I have no bugs in my house now. I'll go with the second option. I think the Raid around the doors and windows probably really did the trick.

Today is Wednesday. I know in an earlier post I said we should all have 1 or 2 three day weekends a month, but now I'm reconsidering. I haven't necessarily changed my mind, but I'm thinking it over. The problem with a three day weekend, is a four day week. What is it about a four day week that makes it seem to d-r-a-g on and on and on? It's a strange phenomenon.

Enjoy the day.


Teresa said...

You see, you have it all wrong...You should have a two day weekend and have Wednesdays off!! :^)

Christy said...

That's the ticket!!