Friday, October 12, 2007

The adventures of Sarah

Sarah is still roaming the wild west. She left my brother Don's sanctuary and headed for Colorado. Don and Sue filled her tank before she left. She had a few bucks, some McDonalds gift certs and food that Sue sent along with her. Next stop...some rest area where they spent a cold and uncomfortable night in the truck. Too cold and windy for setting up the tent, and it even snowed a little.

Onward to Vail, Colorado. Where the truck lost all the lights on the instrument panel, they had no gas, and no money, and only a few McDonalds bucks left. Call to Mom. "Gee, honey. That's too bad. What are you going to do now?" Move on to the next day, truck is working again now, some sort of miracle because they didn't do anything to it. And, hey! They met some guy at McDonalds and asked him if there was a place they could camp for free. Well, no, it's supposed to snow tonight, but you can come stay with us for a couple of days. So, off they go with this kid, who lives with a bunch of other guys. They have been staying there and a couple of other places until she gets some money to move on.

Hold up. Where are you going to get money? I got a credit card, and they can transfer money into my bank account for ZERO interest. Uh-huh. I believe that, for sure.

Get this! As I was typing this post, Sarah calls. They are now in Winter Park, their ultimate destination. I don't know how she got there, since the money from the credit card just hit her account this morning, but she's there. She wants to know what the expiration date on her credit card is because they want to rent a hotel for the night. OMG. Her job (if she really has one) doesn't start until November 15th. I don't know HOW she thinks she is going to be able to pay for a credit card bill in 28 days from now, when she won't even be working yet.

I'm over it.

She needs to get real about life. She's going to fall, and fall hard. I hope she can pick up the pieces and move on with her life when that happens. My sister says she feels Sarah will be fine and that she will have a relationship with God some day. I'm hanging my hat on that.

1 comment:

Mavis said...

If she calls and says she needs food and a place to sleep, tell her to go to the mission. Every town has one. That's what I told Lucas when we went through this same thing. I also told him to get a job at Burger King or something. Sarah could do the same thing.