Saturday, October 6, 2007

New baby and various other items

Eleanor Charlotte Hilligoss was born on October 1, 2007, at 3:34 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz, and 19.5 inches long. They will call her Ella. All this time it was going to be Elli, until Elizabeth heard a woman (that she doesn't like) across the street calling her dog and the name was Ellie. That was it for the name Elli. I like Ella better anyway.

The delivery was incredible. She made it look like something she does every day, no big deal. One - yes, ONE push. That's it.

After Ella was all cleaned up and Elizabeth settled in, she nursed right away, just like an old pro. No problems at all. So Eliz is sitting there all content, and says, "I think I like this baby." Matt and I just cracked up. When Sofi was born, she wouldn't nurse, cried all the time, made everyone so miserable WE all cried, too. I Elizabeth said, "I don't like this baby." (Of course she does NOW, but at the time...) Matt and I were relieved to hear this baby would be accepted into the family with no problems. So far, we have had 3 sleepless nights since Elizabeth came home. It will be interesting to see if Elizabeth still likes the baby if she continues to insist on being held - and only by mom - all night every night.

Yesterday, was Joe & my first anniversary. Today, we are spending the night in Plainfield, close to Eliz, and will be going out to a nice dinner. What a nice break. This afternoon we both went to the local mall and bought new tennis shoes. Tennis shoes? Do they even call them that anymore? Athletic shoes. Not that we are athletic or anything like that, but we don't play tennis either, so I don't think it really matters what we call them.

I'm getting hungry. Time to head out for a lovely steak dinner. Maybe tomorrow I'll write about the adventures of my wayward daughter Sarah. Stay tuned.

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