Friday, August 31, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

Yuki has learned a new word. At age 3, little kids are magnets for language that's inappropriate and only stated at the most inconvenient/embarrassing times.

Yuki chose to test this new word while visiting my mom (great-grandma Charlotte). Out of his seemingly innocent mouth, for the first time, and in front of my mom, Yuki said, "Damn it!". Of course, this elicited a long lecture from my daughter on how that word is not a "nice" word, and we shouldn't say it. Hmmm. I wonder who he learned it from? Surely not me.

A week or two later, Elizabeth heard a bang coming from Yuki's room, and she heard Yuki announce, "Damn it!" She said, "Yuki, what did you just say?" His reply? "I said MOMMY!" Now THAT's a quick learner.

What brought this story to my mind tonight was when Joe and I were watching TV and the circuit breaker tripped throwing us into darkness. My response? "DAMN IT!"

Yuki's a chip off the old block. 'Nuff said.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Spider update...

I went home for lunch. On the wall right above my toilet was a small spider. Probably one of the big spider's babies. I flushed it so it could be with mama. Then I came back to work, and on my window is ... a SPIDER. I can't reach it to kill it. It's taunting me now, sending over telepathic messages that I'm the evil spider killer, and my life is now going to become fodder for a new horror flick. This is especially unfortunate since I just watched some stupid movie yesterday about giant tarantulas taking over a ship and killing everyone but the two main characters who barely escaped with their lives. I made fun of the movie and how bad the special effects were. This is apparently retribution for making light of how scary a spider can be.

Christy vs Giant Spider

This morning I picked up the shoes I wanted to wear...and noted there was a spider web across one of the shoes. Normally I don't pay attention to my shoes. Normally I just put them on and continue merrily on my way. However, the web made me pause a moment. Should I put them on, or is there a spider in there? So, I brushed away the web, and tried to peer into my shoe. I couldn't see anything. So I took my shoes into the bathroom where there is more light, and tried to look into the depths of my shoe. I still could see nothing, but I couldn't see all the way to the toe either. So. I set my shoes down on the bathroom counter and...reached in to see if there was a spider in my shoe. There WAS!! I'm not sure who was more afraid. I yanked my hand out of my shoe. The spider quickly followed, and jumped into my OTHER shoe! Holy cow! So I held that shoe over the toilet and shook it violently until the offending spider fell out. It was HUGE. I flushed it. I felt sort of guilty flushing it because it was trying desperately NOT to be flushed. But the guilt didn't last long.

Time for "spider-be-gone" spray.

In case you are wondering, I didn't wear those shoes today.