Good Gad. I haven't watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer for probably 10 years. What a piece of work!
Santa is so self-centered and mean! Telling Rudolph's dad he should be "ashamed" for spawning Rudolph and his defective glowing nose. And then when Rudolph comes home, Santa lays a big guilt trip on him, telling him that "Your dad is out looking for YOU, and without HIM, we can't have Christmas". Nice, Santa. Nice.
The "Island of Mis-fit Toys" - what? Put all your misfits in a group home? Then when another misfit comes along to "show the light" they can be integrated into society? Please. Did they give the misfit toys to handicapped kids? Third World children? Kids on Angel trees? What's up with that? If the toys aren't good enough to be given to regular kids, then how come the elves that made them aren't in prison? Do you think Santa told the elves they should be ashamed for making defective toys?
Poor Herbie doesn't want to be an elf, but a dentist and is not accepted because he doesn't fit into the status quo? But heck, he pulls the Bumble's teeth and he's a hero? And what about the Bumble? He's just being a Bumble. So they "reform him" (basically by emasculating him) and now that they can use him to do their will (re: slave) he's great.
Do you think I've been in therapy too long? It used to be a cute cartoon about being nice to others.
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