Here we have a picture of Grandma and new baby Sofi. She's healthy and pretty quiet so far! That could be because she's scared out of her mind. Because Grandma needs to pay more attention to detail.
Matt and Yuki were out playing in the park, and taking a nap at my house. It was just Elizabeth, Sofi and me at the hospital. The problem was, it was HOT in the room. And I don't do well with hot. Hot really stinks. So, I say to Elizabeth, "Man. It's hot in here." She agreed and said that Matt got cold in the night and turned the heat up. (As an aside here, skinny people are always cold. Matt likes the temp to be around 75 degrees. That's just insane.)
So, I say to Elizabeth, "Do you want me to turn the temp down?" "Sure." So I head over to the pretty panel on the wall. I look it over with all the buttons, and can't read the words because it's dark in that part of the room. I try every single light switch and couldn't find one that would come on and illuminate the panel. So I lean in real close, and squint to read the words. I see a square button with a blue outline that says "Cool blue", which I thought was really odd, but, well, blue means cool, right? So I push the button, and wait to see if a temperature readout comes on. Nothing, so I figure it will just cool down on it's own to a pre-set temperature. I walk back to the chair in the room, pick up the paper and start to read. All of a sudden, 5 or 6 nurses burst into the room and say, "Are you ok in here?" I say (confused by the concern in their voices) "Yeah, its just a little hot." One of the nurses turns around and yells into the hallway "It's ok, it was a mistake." I'm still confused. What the heck? Then, it dawns on me. OMG! The button was "CODE BLUE", not "Cool blue". And it doesn't just go off on our floor, it makes the announcement all over the hospital. At this point, I want to sink through the floor. All the nurses leave, and and Elizabeth and I laugh hysterically until we cry. And we sob. One by one, the nurses came in and told us it was o.k., and that it was funny seeing the doctors running down the hall, and really, it was good practice for them. They forgot the crash cart, so it was a good learning experience. Don't worry, don't cry, it's o.k.
I'm pretty sure Elizabeth will never allow me with her again in a doctors office or hospital. But you know, there have been plenty of times when Elizabeth has horrified ME. Karma. It's all about Karma. And in this case, I'd say that was one heck of a payback.
1 comment:
LOLROF!!! This is ALMOST as funny as the Precious Moments incident!
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