Spring is here (at least it feels like it today). I saw the woman that lives in the house behind me today. She was outside for the first time I've seen her all winter. You
remember her. The dog hater. The mean woman.
She's still mean. She was standing on her deck this afternoon talking to someone in a neighbor's yard (loudly) about the fence and the property line and having a surveyor come out. I couldn't catch if she was taking about our fence or hers, or if she was talking about getting a survey now or when we put up our fence. But it doesn't matter. If she is still upset about the fence after all these months, or if she still thinks we encroached on her property, I'm not sure what she hopes to gain by it.
At first I started to get really upset, but then I just realized there is absolutely nothing I can do to change her opinion of me or make her be nice. I have never in my life had to struggle so hard against negative feelings toward someone. I betcha my blood pressure goes up every time I see her. I have no desire to be nice in any way to her, which, really, is not in my nature. I'm normally not hateful toward anyone. So, once again, I need to put it aside and not let her have this power over me. Who knows. Maybe some day I'll be able to see her without such a strong rush of emotion. But like Joe says, "She's old, honey. You'll outlive her." Then, I win. =)