Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Butch, hair, sleep

Butch is getting so old. We went for a walk today - maybe 2 miles. I thought I was going to have to carry him the last block. Poor guy. Long walks are a thing of the past for Butch I think.

I got my hair cut today. The old color is almost gone. We are getting very close to no artificial color hang-over. Which means we are mostly gray now. It's a lot of work going gray. I keep wanting to DO something about it. But if I do, I'll just have to start all over again some day.

I'm signed up to do a sleep study on June 9. Joe tells me I need to get checked for sleep apnea. When I was in Louisiana with Suzanne, who says she can sleep through anything, she told me I need to get tested for sleep apnea. Apparently, I snore like a freight train and wake myself up trying to breath. I'm not really sure what to DO about it if I have it. Can I sleep hooked up to some machine? Will I need surgery? My dad says that surgery is horribly painful. A guy I work with got it and was pretty much knocked on his butt for a month.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brown Headed Cow Bird

We have Brown Headed Cow Birds in our neighborhood and they frequent my bird feeder. Cow birds are really sneaky. And lazy. They lay their eggs in other bird's nests and let the other birds raise the young. Most of the time the babies quickly outgrow their nest mates and the "real" babies starve to death because they are pushed out of the way by the Cow Birds.

Anyway, I just heard a bunch of racket outside, and saw 4 birds land on the bird feeder shepherd's hook, and a smaller bird land on the suet feeder. The smaller bird was getting food from the suet feeder and flying up to feed the "babies", that were already bigger than it was! Geez. poor thing!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yuki spends the night with Grandma

Eliz and the kids came down to Bloomington today. We went for a really long walk (well, it SEEMED long) about 2 miles. The good news is it really tired Maizy out. It tired Elizabeth and I out too. The kids, not so much.

Some how, Yuki decided he should say all night with me. So here he is. No nap for Grandma. We tried. "Yuki, watch this movie. Grandma is going to sleep." (Never fear, I was in the same room.) Eventually it was clear I wasn't going to get a nap.

Plan B. I'm dog sitting for a co-worker so we went to visit the dogs. When we left there we decided to go see Joe at work, and since it was about 5, we all went to McDonalds for supper. Then we went to Target and Bloomingfoods and home. 7:30. Bedtime is 8:00.

Currently it's 9:10. Guess who is still up and who doesn't want to be? It's hard being a Grandma.


Friday, May 2, 2008


I took Maizy to the vet today to get her stitches out (spayed last week). The vet office we go to has 3 vets, and it's just a walk in kinda get which ever vet is on duty that day. So we've seen 2 of the vets before today.

Vet #1 (when she was 8 weeks old) - She's gonna be a big dog! Maybe even 120-140 pounds! She sure is pretty.

Vet #2 (when she was 12 weeks old for booster) - She's going to be big...maybe 80-85 pounds. She's a beautiful dog. (We were a little disappointed. But this vet has more experience than Vet #1, so we thought Vet #1 was maybe being a little enthusiastic.)

Vet #3 (today - 19 weeks old weighing in at 45.5 pounds) -I said, "So what do you think, Dr. Bob? How big is she going to be?" Dr. Bob laughed RIGHT OUT LOUD. "She's gonna be HUGE. Somewhere between HUGE and LARGER. She's got paws like a polar bear!" More laughter. She's a really pretty dog. This is the vet with the most experience.

At least they all agree she's pretty.

Of course only time will tell. I'm hoping for HUGE and a raise at work so I can afford to feed her.