Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grrrr Grrrr Spring Fever Grrrr

Oh my gosh. I am in such a bad mood right now. I don't want to be at work. I have a beautiful view of a beautiful day and I'm stuck inside trying to return phone calls and work files.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Maizy and her frog.

One day when Maizy was a baby (ie, when she only weighed about 20 pounds) we got her a stuffed frog that makes a ribbet-ribbet sound. I'm frankly amazed that it has lived this long. Normally Butch tears up ANYTHING with stuffing in it. Somehow, Butch knows this is Maizy's toy and doesn't bother it. She LOVES it. Here is a picture of Frog and a video of Maizy playing with it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Joy of Bird Feeders

I have a shepherd's hook outside my living room window. I have a tube feeder, a thistle feeder and a suet feeder all hanging from this lovely contraption.

Today has been the best yet. Several goldfinches on the thistle feeder, a beautiful red wing blackbird on the tube feeder (singing to me. I'm sure it really was me he was singing to...) and a small woodpecker on the suet feeder. It was awesome. And, a testament to good bird food. I'm convinced the birds in the neighborhood can scope out the best food. So, I guess if you don't want to go through a tube of food every couple of days, get the grocery store stuff. It will last until it rots in the bottom of the feeder. If you want pretty birds get the good stuff. I recommend Wild Birds Unlimited Deluxe blend. I know you didn't ask, but I just like to share good stuff.

Earthquake 5.2

So, we had an earthquake this morning around 5:30 am. It was a 5.2, rivaled only by a 5.4 earthquake years ago in this area.

I am sad to say I missed it. Slept right through it. So, I've slept through tornados, hail storms and now an earthquake.

A girl needs her sleep. Never let anything come between you and your zzzz's.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Christy goes Green, but sees Red

In an effort to help the environment and be more "green" I decided to buy an electric mower. When I got home with it, Joe just laughed at me and said it would be a pain not running over the cord. I thought, "Seriously, how bad can it be?"

I found out yesterday just how horrible it is. I got a 100 ft cord. I plugged it in, started up the mower (so quiet! so easy to start!). I hadn't even been mowing 30 seconds before I realized what a horrible mistake I had made. I bet it took me 2 times longer to mow with that mower than it would have with a gas mower. I kept having to stop and throw the cord out of the way. I finished mowing, wiped the mower off, and put it back in the box. Before I bought the thing, I asked if I could bring it back if I didn't like it and they said I could. I saw an electric cordless mower while I was shopping for mowers but they are twice as much as the regular electric mower. So, today, Joe and I will return the electric mower and get a regular gas powered, smog inducing, noise making mower.

To quote Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being green."