Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Exciting ride to work

It snowed last night, maybe an inch. I left home for work at about 7:10 am, and the road had been plowed, but was still snow covered. As I pulled out of the addition I live in, my car started to slide into the intersection. Thusly warned of road conditions, I began to slowly drive up the hilly road to get to the main highway. I was about 3/4 of the way to the top of the hill when my car decided it wasn't going to go that way. I began to s-l-i-d-e backwards. A pickup managed to get by me before my car turned broadside in the road, blocking both lanes. I put the car in neutral, stood on my brake, pulled up my parking brake and finally my car stopped sliding just before I went into the ditch which leads to a small pond. Whew! Then I realized I was still blocking both lanes and I started praying that no one would top the hill and hit me. I carefully put the car in reverse, and was able to back enough to turn to go back down the hill. But really, it just slid back down the hill. I had no control whatsoever.

I decided to go a different way, and had a difficult time with sliding on the road there, too. But once I made it to a main street, everything was good.

It was really sort of thrilling (except for when I thought I was going to drive into the pond...). Gosh. I don't know how we ever got anywhere on the farm when it snowed. The hills there are much worse. I think we had snow tires, though. If it wasn't almost March, I'd put snow tires on my car now.

It's snowing again now, and I go home in another 45 minutes. Once I'm home I think I'll stay there until tomorrow.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I have a cold. Yuki got it first, and gave it to Sarah. Sarah happily passed it along to me. My nose is stopped up, I have a cough that's driving me crazy, my head hurts, and I'm a little grumpy. Thankfully I'm the only one home, so no one has to listen to me. The really sad thing is that every time I sneeze real hard or cough more than once, I pee. I blame it on my children. They did it to me while in the womb. Little brats. Even 20 years later they are still wreaking havoc on my body.

I'm trying to decide if I should stay home from work tomorrow or go buy some Depends... I'm thinking I'll work from home. Much safer that way.