My brother Ray called yesterday. He said his chajuajua Jaz (who is 12) was to get her teeth cleaned, and when the vet did the preliminary blood work, she discovered something in Jaz's blood levels that concerned her. She told Ray it might be Cushing's Disease.
This disease causes increased drinking and increased urination, loss of hair, panting and sometimes seizures. You treat it by giving the dog medicine that is very expensive. Anyway, I told Ray how Butch has been peeing in the house, and I can't decide if he's mad about something, or just really has to GO. I took him to the vet and described what is happening, and my vet wants me to bring in a sample of urine. HELLO! How am I supposed to get urine? Butch won't let me anywhere near him when he's "Doing his business". Why would he? I won't either. If I had some one chasing after me when I am trying to pee trying to stick a container under me, I'd run off, too.
So. It's 3:15 am, and for the "I don't even know how many days in a row now" Butch woke me up to go outside. He starts with this little Mruff, which progressively grows louder and more persistent until I wake up. I come back to bed, and Butch has to lay directly on my feet. Sometimes I try to outlast him on who moves first. I'll just leave my feet underneath him, which HAS to be uncomfortable. He'll sigh, but he won't move. I never win unless I wiggle my feet and annoy him. 15 minutes later I'm still lying in bed thinking about how Butch probably has Cushing's disease and what the implications of that may be. I'm hoping that writing this will get it out of my head so I can sleep again.
I'm going to Chicago today for a mediation tomorrow. When I made reservations there was only ONE hotel in downtown Chicago I could get into because of some convention, and that hotel is going to cost my company $285 for the one night, which is twice the price of my plane ticket!! Good lord. On the up side, Chicago is a fun place to go. Now that I've done it a few times the El is fun to ride, and I imagine I can look as bored and nonchalent as the real Chicago people. I'm sure I don't - I probably look like a country girl coming to the big city. But it's fun to pretend.
Sarah is supposed to be moving out. She is getting a place with a couple of her high school friends, and allegedly the move date is this Friday. I see absolutely NOTHING to show she's actually going however. No packing, no excited talking about it, no indication what the apartment number is... very suspicious.
My apartment complex called me today to see if I am renewing or moving. I went to the office and asked them to show me a 3 BR flat and a 2 BR flat. Right now I live in a 3BR townhouse, which I do like. The 3 BR looks o.k., the 2 BR would be a little tight I think. The thought of moving is just not appealing in any way, and I'm trying to decide if the $40-95 difference is worth moving. Changing my address both personally and updating all my licenses etc professionally, packing, unpacking, moving stuff ... I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay where I am. Here, I can have my bird feeder and plant stuff if I want to. I don't have to worry about making too much noise for the upstairs/downstairs neighbor. The positives of staying here outweigh the positives of moving.
Well, I suppose I can go put the iPod on 15-30 minutes and listen to a book on tape, or maybe a podcast of the Dave Ramsey Show. Most of the time I can fall asleep w/i the 15 minutes, and almost always before 30 minutes. I thought maybe Coast to Coast would be on the AM station, but no such luck. That show is a hoot, and if I can't sleep at least I'm amused. Another podcast I love is NPR's Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me! which is a totally liberal news show that takes news stories from the week and callers try to guess who it's about. If they win, "Carl" will call and put a message on their answering machine. Even though I'm conservative, I still have a sense of humor and think the show is funny.
Nite. Morning. Whatever.