Saturday, October 30, 2004

Yuki and his VERY BAD hair cut sitting in a paper box... - Today, Yuki is 10 monts old. Woo-hoo!! Posted by Hello

Sarah - Halloween 2004 - Harry Potter Posted by Hello

Yuki @ 9 months Posted by Hello


Saturday! I love Saturday! Fun things happen on Saturdays.

Today, after doing the obligatory cleaning and a little bit of packing, I went to Debbie's for a birthday party. It was fun. I was exposed to foods I have not eaten before... We had Squirrel Stew. Yup. Squirrel Stew. It tasted like...turkey soup. (Thought I was gonna say chicken, didn't you?) We had boiled kale. (Isn't that the stuff they put on veggie trays for color?) It was actually pretty good. I think it had something to do with all the bacon in it. We hada cold green bean/lettuce/feta cheese/onion/mint dish. That was pretty good too. Then we had all the normal chips/pop/wine/cheese & crackers etc. And, of course, cake & ice cream. I felt like I was in the deep South there for a couple of hours.

Friday, October 29, 2004


I am in a very very bad mood. I feel wound up tight inside and angry and frustrated. Depressed. Nasty. Wanting to lash out. Why, you ask? Because I'm tired, I'm behind at work, I don't feel well, AND I've been eating lots of evil sugar. Evil. Evil, evil, evil. It makes the monster come out.

Nothing about today is happy, except the sun just peeked out. Perhaps that will cheer me on.

My rent is going up $50 per month starting in January. That is just a ridiculous price. I'm going to have to move. I don't like to move. I'm trying to sort through stuff and downsize. I'm finding it's going to be very difficult to find a place to take all my pets, which is making me very unhappy. I'm not going to be able to afford to move with all of them. Most places want an extra deposit and extra money per month per pet. Butch MUST go whereever I do, so that's a given. Everyone else belongs to Sarah, and they can all find other homes.

Enough drivel. Back to the grind.


Monday, October 18, 2004


Well, I've given up on the pantry deal. Mainly because most of the food is still there and I don't seem to be eating it. I would guess that means we don't really like it and that's why it's still there. It was a thought, though. Who knows what may happen in the future. I may once again decide to empty my shelves.

It's Monday morning at 4:38. AM. That's right. AM. What the heck am I doing awake? You may be asking that, but I can assure you, I'm asking it much louder than you are. I woke up to go to the bathroom, and that was it. I tried lying in bed for a while relaxing, but no go. I tried praying, which usually does the trick and I'm out before I'm done listing my sins. The list was getting rather long, so I gave up. So, I thought I'd balance my checkbook, check my mail, pay a bill or two and plan the day's food intake. I have a lot to do today. Work, of course. That's a given. I need to get an allergy shot, I have a 1:00 diet meeting, and I want to exercise at Curves. I have to do some grocery shopping somewhere in there as well.

Speaking of food, diet, Curves, and exercise, I'm doing all of those. Sort of. I lost 5 pounds the first week on my Curves diet. I may or may not have lost any weight this week because of "water weight" gain. Amazingly, I did not have any chocolate cravings this month like I normally do. I've really been slacking on the exercise portion, which must be adjusted. I had some lab work done at the doctor's office last week, and the results are in. Everything looks good. He didn't put my A1C number on the letter he sent, so I'll have to ask about that. It should be good. A1C is the measure of your blood sugar over the last 3-4 months.

I'm still plugging away on my cardigan and I hope to have it done in the next 3-4 weeks. I want to wear it this winter. I think it's going to be much too big, which is a bummer, but better too big than too small!!!

That's it for me. Life continues on. Even with less sleep than I'd like. I guess I'll go take a shower and go to work. Might as well do something else constructive.
