Monday, December 20, 2004

Surgery, moving, and irresponsible daughters...

What a VERY busy month December has turned out to be! Here's how it all went down...

  • My 11 year-old cat, Mocha got hit by a vehicle that was moving faster than he was. He had been missing for about 4 days before one of the kids in the neighborhood told me they saw a dead cat in the road. It was Mocha. I was devestated. I cried for hours. Even shopping didn't help much.
  • My landlord sent a letter telling me my rent was going up $50 per month, and I had 60 days to advise if I was renewing my lease. My apartment is FULL of mold and mildew, Sarah and I are constantly sick, and he is completely unresponsive to most problems brought to his attention.
  • Child support ends this year, and my income is going to plunge by almost 1/3.
  • Most of the animals we have belong to Sarah and she doesn't take care of them.
  • I'm paying out about $150 a month in pet supplies/meds.

So. while still grieving for Mocha, reeling from the rent news and mad at Sarah for not taking care of her animals, I, in one fell swoop, decided to move and get rid of all animals but my own. We have my boston terrier, Butch, and my skunk Stinker. I still have fire belly toads & Sarah still has her dumpy. We kept one fish tank. Life is so much calmer now. And, the new apartment is $30 cheaper than the old one even before the rent hike. Plus, I'm only 1.5 miles from work.

This brings me to Moving. Oh my gosh I hate moving. Apparently it took me three years to forget how much I hate it because that's how long it's been since the last time I moved. Thanks to Matt (Elizabeth's live-in) we got most of the stuff moved over T-giving weekend. There is still some junk over at the old place, mostly in the garage, that needs to be moved, and a pile of stuff to be thrown away. I spent 2 hours cleaning today. I'm sick of cleaning and unpacking....

December 1st I had surgery to remove a cyst on my right ring finger. Non-cancerous according to the doc. It's already pretty much healed. The worst part was the day after, when I ripped the stitches right out trying to put on my Tennis Shoes. OUCH!

Irresponsible children...Sarah STILL has not finished even ONE application to college. She drove over some rr tracks on the edge with a big drop off and popped 2 tires ($135 thank you very much). She had over 600 (YES - 600!!) text messages on her cell last month, and over 1000 minutes. Elizabeth went way over her minutes, too. ($275 - thank you). I have changed my plan so that won't happen again, but MAN! I gave Sarah certain items to complete before she flew out to see her dad for Christmas...were they done? No. Sigh.

That's all for today. That's ENOUGH for today. Time for sweet sleep where problems are forgotten and life is not overwhelming. Until I start to dream....

Monday, November 22, 2004

The condensed version

I just typed in a post about moving and dodge ball. When I tried to spell check it, it disappeared. Waaaaaa!

Oh well. In a more compact manner. I'm moving. Today is the walk-through and I get the keys. I'm going to start moving a some every day and hope to be in by the end of the week, but by 12/4 at the latest.

Dodge ball - I don't feel like typing it all again, but it has to be one of the dumbest games ever invented to play in the school system. And to base an entire movie on it is even dumber.

Finally - The Pacers disgrace themselves by fighting with fans. Ron Artest is banned from playing the rest of the season. But what will happen to the fans that poured beer on the Pacers, sucker punched the players and threw chairs? Too much testosterone that night!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Yuki and his VERY BAD hair cut sitting in a paper box... - Today, Yuki is 10 monts old. Woo-hoo!! Posted by Hello

Sarah - Halloween 2004 - Harry Potter Posted by Hello

Yuki @ 9 months Posted by Hello


Saturday! I love Saturday! Fun things happen on Saturdays.

Today, after doing the obligatory cleaning and a little bit of packing, I went to Debbie's for a birthday party. It was fun. I was exposed to foods I have not eaten before... We had Squirrel Stew. Yup. Squirrel Stew. It tasted like...turkey soup. (Thought I was gonna say chicken, didn't you?) We had boiled kale. (Isn't that the stuff they put on veggie trays for color?) It was actually pretty good. I think it had something to do with all the bacon in it. We hada cold green bean/lettuce/feta cheese/onion/mint dish. That was pretty good too. Then we had all the normal chips/pop/wine/cheese & crackers etc. And, of course, cake & ice cream. I felt like I was in the deep South there for a couple of hours.

Friday, October 29, 2004


I am in a very very bad mood. I feel wound up tight inside and angry and frustrated. Depressed. Nasty. Wanting to lash out. Why, you ask? Because I'm tired, I'm behind at work, I don't feel well, AND I've been eating lots of evil sugar. Evil. Evil, evil, evil. It makes the monster come out.

Nothing about today is happy, except the sun just peeked out. Perhaps that will cheer me on.

My rent is going up $50 per month starting in January. That is just a ridiculous price. I'm going to have to move. I don't like to move. I'm trying to sort through stuff and downsize. I'm finding it's going to be very difficult to find a place to take all my pets, which is making me very unhappy. I'm not going to be able to afford to move with all of them. Most places want an extra deposit and extra money per month per pet. Butch MUST go whereever I do, so that's a given. Everyone else belongs to Sarah, and they can all find other homes.

Enough drivel. Back to the grind.


Monday, October 18, 2004


Well, I've given up on the pantry deal. Mainly because most of the food is still there and I don't seem to be eating it. I would guess that means we don't really like it and that's why it's still there. It was a thought, though. Who knows what may happen in the future. I may once again decide to empty my shelves.

It's Monday morning at 4:38. AM. That's right. AM. What the heck am I doing awake? You may be asking that, but I can assure you, I'm asking it much louder than you are. I woke up to go to the bathroom, and that was it. I tried lying in bed for a while relaxing, but no go. I tried praying, which usually does the trick and I'm out before I'm done listing my sins. The list was getting rather long, so I gave up. So, I thought I'd balance my checkbook, check my mail, pay a bill or two and plan the day's food intake. I have a lot to do today. Work, of course. That's a given. I need to get an allergy shot, I have a 1:00 diet meeting, and I want to exercise at Curves. I have to do some grocery shopping somewhere in there as well.

Speaking of food, diet, Curves, and exercise, I'm doing all of those. Sort of. I lost 5 pounds the first week on my Curves diet. I may or may not have lost any weight this week because of "water weight" gain. Amazingly, I did not have any chocolate cravings this month like I normally do. I've really been slacking on the exercise portion, which must be adjusted. I had some lab work done at the doctor's office last week, and the results are in. Everything looks good. He didn't put my A1C number on the letter he sent, so I'll have to ask about that. It should be good. A1C is the measure of your blood sugar over the last 3-4 months.

I'm still plugging away on my cardigan and I hope to have it done in the next 3-4 weeks. I want to wear it this winter. I think it's going to be much too big, which is a bummer, but better too big than too small!!!

That's it for me. Life continues on. Even with less sleep than I'd like. I guess I'll go take a shower and go to work. Might as well do something else constructive.


Saturday, September 25, 2004

Long Awaited Photo of Stinker

This is my new pet - Stinker. Isn't she cute? Actually, she is much cuter in person. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

The animal kingdom/survival of the nicest

Woo-hoo!! It's Friday.

For the most part this has been a very good week. Monday afternoon I got to go to a spa (massage and pedicure) and to a very nice Italian dinner courtesy of an attorney firm from Chicago. How cool is that?

Tuesday I was in a seminar in Indy ::yawn:: learning about Michigan mini-tort law and PIP.

Those were the good things. Here are the not-so-good things in a nutshell: Sunday night my rat bit me. I was very unhappy. It hurt like hell. Well, maybe not like hell, but really, really bad. So, I fed him to my snake. I've noticed all the other animals are behaving very well since then. Tuesday night I went to Bible study. I was tired. I wasn't prepared. I was hormonal. Someone disagreed with me on a point and you would have thought she killed my first born the way I reacted. Wanna hear my thoughts? "Man I don't like you. Why do you have to be so stubborn and hateful? I'm never talking to you again. I won't even LOOK at you. You are MEAN. You are SOOO opinionated. I wonder if my snake can eat you?" I learned many things from these two nights. I lash out when I'm hurt and angry and want to punish the thing/person that hurt me. I have the capacity to harm others, and to hold a grudge. I need to get over myself. Anyhow, I'm back to normal now - ie less hormonal. I once again like the person who disagreed with me, and I feel kinda bad for feeding the rat to the snake. That IS what he was purchased for, but still.

Pantry update. Have I gone to the grocery store? Yes, but only for milk, ice cream and french fry type stuff. After 2 weeks is my cupboard significantly more bare? No. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Chicken and FF x2. Oh. And ice cream. ;) I'm still living for the goal... more next week.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Pantry Status

Well, it's been almost a week now in the Quest to Not go to the Grocery Store. I went to the grocery store for milk and lettuce, and a can of fruit cocktail for my skunk. I did buy some round steak so I could can some beef, but only because it was a low price.

It hasn't been a huge challenge this week because my friend Debbie gave me some cabbage rolls and mashed potatoes that her mom made, and that was a meal, and I had left over Dirty Rice one day, and left over curry one day. And last night we had a company dinner. Two nights we had cheddar brats & mac & cheese. Sarah at a couple of the pizzas. Successful week one!

Sunday, September 12, 2004


OK. I have decided I am going to see how long I can cook from the stuff I already have in my cupboard without going to the store. (Except for fresh veggies & fruits, pop, milk and, of course, ice cream).

Today I made Chicken Curry for lunch, with enough left over for 2-3 lunches.

For supper we are having brats & mac & cheese.

Day One, no store.


New Addition, Answers to Prayer, Food


I have a wonderful new addition to my menagerie. She's a beautiful skunk (yes, skunk). She's black and white and her stripe starts on the top of her head, splits and goes down each side of her back and joins at her tail. I'll try to get a photo posted soon. Right now my computer is "indisposed" and is at the computer spa. Hopefully I'll get it back this week and I'll post a photo of Stinker. She's kind of like a cat - aloof, about her own business, but loves to be petted and held (on her terms, of course). Lest you worry, she's descented, spayed and litter box trained.

At my small group last week, I was bemoaning the fact that my computer internet connection wasn't working AND my PDA died. I'm not sure which is worse. I'm dependent on both of them now. So, we prayed about it in my group, and we all sort of chuckled about it. BUT...God answers even the small prayers. When my sister found out my PDA died, she gave me Mike's unused one. He has a different PDA/Cell phone combo now, and doesn't use his Palm. I got it in the mail yesterday! And it uses the same operating system that my old one did, so I should be able to sync it up to my computer and download all the stuff I have in there already from the old one. Is that COOL or what? Teresa is the best! (Thank you, too, Mike for giving up your old toy...) On the computer front, I called my internet provider again and I think they finially decided I'm not going to go away. They told me to bring the computer in and they'll look at it for free. Woo-hoo! I realize that doesn't mean I won't have to put money into it, but maybe it will be something easy. Finally, I have been praying for a car for Sarah. We found one! The cost was - are you ready? -$250! I have to put about $400 into it for a tune up and some minor repairs. I think Jon is going to help out with that part. THANK YOU GOD for being so faithful and loving, in big AND small matters.

Food. What is it with food? Man. I always feel like I'm going to run out, and I'm always buying stuff I don't need at the moment. So, yesterday when I was playing with my new PDA (see above), I decided to take inventory of my cabinets & freezer to see what I have on hand and see what I may need from the store. I'm amazed at what I have. I have enough food to make meals for an ENTIRE MONTH without going to the grocery store except for milk, butter, pop and fresh veggies. Is that totally unreal or what? I'm going to see if I can do just that. Sarah may not be happy about it but she'll live.

I started allergy shots this week. What a pain. 3 shots at least once a week, and I can go in more often if I want. I think there's 38 rounds of shots before we hit "maintenance" levels and then I go a few more months with maintenance shots and I should have significantly reduced allergies. Then, perhaps, no more allergy medication will be necessary. (Monthly savings, $40.00). I have a new goal. I want to see if I can reduce my meds down to just synthroid. That means I have to lose weight, eat better and learn to relax. It's a GOAL.

Until next time...


Saturday, August 28, 2004

Saturdays are always wonderful...

Hey! I'm gonna live!

Apparently, I am just fine. The doctor can feel the lump, but ultrasound didn't show anything to worry about (!) and everything is o.k. He said just to keep an eye on it with my doctor.

Today, I used a gift certificate given to me by my children for my recent birthday. I got a facial at Delgado's in B'ton. It was o.k, but not NEARLY as nice as the one I had in Chicago. But quite lovely nonetheless.

I posted photos earlier today. You will see my two children, my grandson (no, I'm not REALLY old enough to be a grandmother), and 3 of my many many pets. I seriously have a zoo. Sometime I'll list them all. My bearded dragon, which is now 4 months old, is over a foot long, and meaner than a snake. He will BITE and it HURTS. So, we don't hold ZZ. We just watch him. =)

That's it for now. Time to order a Dixie Chicken Pizza from Pizza Express and watch a movie.


Princess Sarah. Posted by Hello

Yuki and Mommy Posted by Hello

This is ZZ the Bearded Dragon only 2 days after he was born. He was about 3 inches long. Posted by Hello

My Dog Butch. He does not like having his photo taken. I have NEVER been able to get a good picture of him. He is the cutest Boston Terrier ever, though! Posted by Hello

Chester the Cat. Recently neutered and still bitter about it. Posted by Hello

Yuki - 7 months old Posted by Hello

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Life or Death

Well, the doctor's office called and advised that the mammogram I had last week shows an "asymetrical mass" in my right breast. I am to go back next Tuesday for additional mammograms and an ultrasound. "Try not to worry, most of the time these come back negative." Uh-huh. Telling me not to worry is like telling a male dog just to ignore the female in heat next door.

So, I'm thinking. What if it's breast cancer? Would I get chemo & radiation? Would I get a full mascetomy? Would I just forgo any treatment at all?

The last question is the most intresting. Right now, I'd have to say that if I DID get treatment, it would most likely be just to keep my family and friends from being horrified at that thought that I wouldn't. Does dying scare me? No. Not in the least. Does being in pain bother me? Yes.

And, my mind is running away with things like, "Maybe I have cancer and that's why the right side of my chest hurts sometimes." or "Maybe that's why I have headaches and I'm tired all the time." and "It would be nice if I could just not tell anyone, but I know I can't keep my mouth shut."

Just think...I wouldn't have to work anymore if I was dead. hmm.
It would be nice if I was around until Sarah graduated from High School.

IT'S NOT A TUMOR! I can hear Arnold Schwartenager in my mind saying that...

Anyway. Now that I've written this all down, maybe I can forget about the dog in heat next door and concentrate on work.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Wedding showers and other matters

Last night I went to my 1st ever personal wedding shower.  Wow.  Penis paraphenlia everywhere.  I was told we were supposed to bring sexy nightware or "toys".  Since I have no desire to enter an adult bookstore, I chose the sexy nightware.  Even that wasn't too out of control. 

She had a penis cake (yuck!), penis straws (super yuck!)  and a lot of naughty windup toys.  If I ever get married again, this will not be happening to me.  Thankfully, the stripper was a friend, dressed up as "One eyed Jack, the cowboy".  The only thing he stripped was his scarf and eye patch!  He did have a "penis gun" full of lotion - I won't even go there with how gross that was.

I guess them means I'm just a big prude.  Is that so wrong?  =)

On other, less threatening fronts, I ordered a new knife yesterday... (hee hee).  Seriously, I ordered a Wustoff Grand Prix Santuko.  I can't wait until I get it.  It was BackOrdered (grrr) so it probably won't be here until next week.  I also ordered some beef paste...I'm going to try that on some mushrooms...

Well, time to roll.  I need to make an appearance at the Farmer's Market this morning.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Silly Antics Posted by Hello

New things

So, we can add pictures and make bold, italisized and otherwise fun changes.

See picture below.  My very first import.  I'm excited!  This could be fun!!!!


Saturday, June 26, 2004

Love Thwarted

I just got home from 2 1/2 of the best days I've spent in YEARS. Debbie and I went to Chicago Thursday afternoon. We left for Merrilville, IN where we stopped at Mike's wife's salon. There, I had the best facial EVER. Then a foot massage focusing on pressure points. Then a facial. HEAVEN. HEAVEN.

That evening we went to Mike's house. He made an absolutely gorgeous and truly pallete pleasing gourmet meal:

Course one - cheddar cheese with Shiraz
Course two - grilled shrimp & Shiraz
Course three - kick ass mushroom/cream reduction over puff
pastry & red wine
Course four - grilled beef fillet with mushroom reduction,
grilled asparagus & brussels sprouts, and
mashed potatoes with blue cheese, cream & butter
with red wine and champaigne.
Course five - Bavarian cake with 20 year old port.

TO DIE FOR! Super fun company, lots of laughter with Mike & wife Debbie, and 3 of their friends, and Mike's daughter & boyfriend.

Sleep over in Mike's house. Debbie and I are in heaven and try to figure out how it could get better than this day.


Wake up at Mike & Debbie's. Try to ignore rolling tummy and dry mouth. Take a shower. Feel a little better. Have some wonderful coffee, 1/2 piece of raisin bread and pack up the car.

Head out for the commuter train into Chicago. Ride an hour, get off right at the end of the line in d.t. Chicago. Walk around a mile to defense attorney Shimon's office. Meet his co-worker Mark (Greek as they come). Take the red line to Cominsky field where we meet up with Ed from Illinois. Meet his buddies. One looked and acted just like Joe Peschi. Have a beer and a couple of brats. I was a little wilted before that, but picked right up after the food & brewsky. Go to the WHITE SOX v CUBS game. YES YES YES!! Fun as all get out. Full stadim. Ate a hot dog & a couple of beers. Cheered. The Cubbies win, which makes me very happy. I wore lots of sun screen and didn't even get burned.

Now, you are probably asking, "What's love got to do with it?" Sounds like eating and drinking to me. Give me time...

After the game, we chilled out with Ed & crew for a while, and then walked a thousand miles after we got off the red line to Greek Island in Greektown. By now, I'm hot. I'm tired. I'm thirsty. My feet hurt and Debbie is really hard to walk with because her stride is soooooo long. We finally get to Greek Island where we meet up with 2 of Debbie's friends, Larry and John T. I look at Larry and OMG - BAM BAM BAM. He's so cute. John T. is 100% Greek. Looks Greek, speaks the language, funny. We sit at a table, and he says, "Christy, do you want to see a menu or would you like me to order for you." I said, please, order for me. This is your party. Are you ready for this? Here it is...

Each of these items is a course: bread & olive oil, flaming cheese, cold octopus salad, greek salad, lemon rice soup, family style oven roasted lamb and potatoes, and desserts!, flan, orange cake, yogurt, honey & walnuts, & some sort of egg custard. Lots of vino - house rose.

So, we are there spending time with these two engaging, funny, sweet, men, and little by little, I'm totally falling for Larry. Unh. Wow. Those eyes, that smile, the way he listens completely...hearing him say, "What a great giggle...". We part ways, John T is taking us to our car, Debbie says, "Is Larry married?" John says "Yes." My heart breaks. Love thwarted.


Monday, June 21, 2004

In the beginning

It's all about me. It really is. I just need to convince everyone else of the truth of this statement. =)

O.K. It's NOT all about me. I just wish it was sometimes. Don't you?

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to Chicago with a friend. We are going to a Spa - facials and pedicures - and out to dinner with a great guy who happens to be a gourmet cook with a kick-it wine collection. That's Thursday (yea! a 1/2 day off work!). Then Friday, we are gonna walk around downtown Chicago in the morning, and in the afternoon we are taking in a White Sox game (yea! an ENTIRE day off work!). Then Friday night we are meeting a couple of guys and going to Greek Town for dinner. Does that sound fun or what? (MUST REMEMBER SUNSCREEN AND HAT).

Then next week, yet ANOTHER day off work Friday which is the beginning of my vacation! I'm going to my sister's house. My brothers Sam and Don with be there, along with Don's family. My sister's kids are about the same age as theirs. My Dad and step mom will be there, too. Family reunion of sorts. I'm taking my youngest with me (Princess Sarah). She's going to be a Senior this coming school year, and this may be the last opportunity we have to spend time together with her as a family. It's a beautiful thing to have time off. Not that I don't appreciate my job. It's a good job. It pays well. Nice perks. It's just time for vacation.