Monday, January 18, 2010

Is it Christy or is it a Ghost?

Lately, people around me think they are hearing things, like their name spoken. They think I'm saying it, and it's not really computing because they don't see me saying their name. That's because I'm NOT saying their name, and I'm also not hearing anyone else say it. It's a bit odd.
Last night was a really good example. We watched what was billed as a horror movie (House of Bones) but was really just a very poorly made mess. After it was over, I went into the bedroom and when I came back out Joe asked me what I wanted. I told him I didn't say anything and he SWORE I said "Joe?" and asked some question. I told him I did not and he didn't believe me at first. Later, I whispered, "Joe...". And you know what? He didn't think it was at all funny. =)

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