Saturday, October 30, 2004


Saturday! I love Saturday! Fun things happen on Saturdays.

Today, after doing the obligatory cleaning and a little bit of packing, I went to Debbie's for a birthday party. It was fun. I was exposed to foods I have not eaten before... We had Squirrel Stew. Yup. Squirrel Stew. It tasted like...turkey soup. (Thought I was gonna say chicken, didn't you?) We had boiled kale. (Isn't that the stuff they put on veggie trays for color?) It was actually pretty good. I think it had something to do with all the bacon in it. We hada cold green bean/lettuce/feta cheese/onion/mint dish. That was pretty good too. Then we had all the normal chips/pop/wine/cheese & crackers etc. And, of course, cake & ice cream. I felt like I was in the deep South there for a couple of hours.

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