Friday, October 29, 2004


I am in a very very bad mood. I feel wound up tight inside and angry and frustrated. Depressed. Nasty. Wanting to lash out. Why, you ask? Because I'm tired, I'm behind at work, I don't feel well, AND I've been eating lots of evil sugar. Evil. Evil, evil, evil. It makes the monster come out.

Nothing about today is happy, except the sun just peeked out. Perhaps that will cheer me on.

My rent is going up $50 per month starting in January. That is just a ridiculous price. I'm going to have to move. I don't like to move. I'm trying to sort through stuff and downsize. I'm finding it's going to be very difficult to find a place to take all my pets, which is making me very unhappy. I'm not going to be able to afford to move with all of them. Most places want an extra deposit and extra money per month per pet. Butch MUST go whereever I do, so that's a given. Everyone else belongs to Sarah, and they can all find other homes.

Enough drivel. Back to the grind.


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