Friday, September 24, 2004

The animal kingdom/survival of the nicest

Woo-hoo!! It's Friday.

For the most part this has been a very good week. Monday afternoon I got to go to a spa (massage and pedicure) and to a very nice Italian dinner courtesy of an attorney firm from Chicago. How cool is that?

Tuesday I was in a seminar in Indy ::yawn:: learning about Michigan mini-tort law and PIP.

Those were the good things. Here are the not-so-good things in a nutshell: Sunday night my rat bit me. I was very unhappy. It hurt like hell. Well, maybe not like hell, but really, really bad. So, I fed him to my snake. I've noticed all the other animals are behaving very well since then. Tuesday night I went to Bible study. I was tired. I wasn't prepared. I was hormonal. Someone disagreed with me on a point and you would have thought she killed my first born the way I reacted. Wanna hear my thoughts? "Man I don't like you. Why do you have to be so stubborn and hateful? I'm never talking to you again. I won't even LOOK at you. You are MEAN. You are SOOO opinionated. I wonder if my snake can eat you?" I learned many things from these two nights. I lash out when I'm hurt and angry and want to punish the thing/person that hurt me. I have the capacity to harm others, and to hold a grudge. I need to get over myself. Anyhow, I'm back to normal now - ie less hormonal. I once again like the person who disagreed with me, and I feel kinda bad for feeding the rat to the snake. That IS what he was purchased for, but still.

Pantry update. Have I gone to the grocery store? Yes, but only for milk, ice cream and french fry type stuff. After 2 weeks is my cupboard significantly more bare? No. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Chicken and FF x2. Oh. And ice cream. ;) I'm still living for the goal... more next week.

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