Monday, June 30, 2008


Two of my siblings are making me tired. Teresa is moving Wednesday. Ray is moving later in July. Just the thought of moving exhausts me, since a mere 5 months ago I moved.

The crazy neighbor is now putting up her own fence. She only has to put in one long side, since my fence provides a long line in her back yard and the neighbor on her right has a fence already up. I noticed she put the posts "close to" but not "tied to" my fence and the other neighbor's fence. At first I was really distressed by this. But then, I realized - yet again - that she's crazy. There's just nothing you can do about crazy except shake your head at it and try not to get sucked into crazy yourself.

I'm supposed to be getting a prescription for a c-pap machine sometime soon. I'm anxious to see how that's going to pan out. I really hope it works because I'm tired of being tired. :::yawn::: Maybe if I wasn't so tired, my siblings' impending moves wouldn't be so draining. ha!

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